Through their love of art and their philanthropy, Andrea B. and Peter D. Klein have been an integral part of the Museum for many years.
As exhibition sponsors – currently for The Heckscher Museum Celebrates 100 – the Kleins have helped bring fascinating artwork and artists to the public. They have also sponsored the publication of several exhibition catalogues which have shared new scholarship with broader audiences. Andrea and Peter have gifted works of art from their own collection or provided funds to purchase works deemed important for the Museum’s collection. In addition, they recognize the need to care for objects in the collection so that works of art are able to be exhibited at the Museum and lent to other institutions. To that end, they have spearheaded the conservation of 13 works of art.
Their generosity is evident throughout The Heckscher Museum Celebrates 100. For example, conservation funds stabilized one of the oldest paintings in the exhibition, Lucas ‘The Elder’ Cranach’s Virgin, Child, St. John the Baptist and Angels, 1534, left. Also on view is Man Ray’s Le Souufle (Breeze), 1931, one in a series of 10 rayographs in the portfolio Életricité purchased by the Kleins for the Museum in 2007.
“The collection is the epitome of what an art museum is all about. It must be cared for, enhanced with new acquisitions, researched, interpreted, and shared with the world.” Andrea B. and Peter D. Klein