Thank you to the generous donors who have contributed to the Museum’s Annual Appeal! This amazing support will allow the Museum to inspire an appreciation of art and art-making in visitors of all ages in 2022 and beyond.
There is still time to give! Donate online, call 631.380.3229 ext. 710 to give over the phone, or mail your check made payable to “Heckscher Museum” to:
Attn: Development Department
The Heckscher Museum of Art
2 Prime Avenue
Huntington, NY 11743
2021 Annual Appeal Donors
- Joan K. Abramowitz
- Joanne Adam (in memory of Marcia Hammer)
- Lauretta Alio
- Cynthia Appold
- Joan & Milton F. Bagley (in honor of Andrea B. & Peter D. Klein)
- Winifred F. Baim
- Victoria Beckert
- Alli Berman
- Barbara Blazer (in memory of Marcia Hammer)
- Mary Boccard
- Kara-Ann Booth
- Patricia Brooks
- Susan & Robert Buroker
- Colette Buzzetta
- Trudy & Tom Calabrese
- Carol & Thomas Campbell
- Judith Cartwright
- Barbara & Barry Coller
- Anna & Cornelius Cremin
- Ellen Crouzet-Pascal
- Katherine Cuddeback
- Marilyn Cunniff
- Richard Cunniff, Jr.
- Chancey M. Dennis
- Corinne & Michael DeStio
- Michele Dexter
- Karen & Peter Dicke
- Helen & Charles F. Dolan
- Rita S. & Harvey Drucker
- Cindy Elan-Mangano
- Laurie Everitt
- Myra Feeney
- Rita & Ralph Fenderson
- Barbara & Robert Festa
- Kathleen & Brendan FitzGerald
- Marilyn Fox
- Kathleen Galotti
- Kelly & Chip Gaudreau
- Bud Gehnrich
- Raymond Germann
- Howard Glickstein
- Holly Gordon
- Janet Greenblatt
- Lynn & Frank Gundersen
- Robin T. Hadley
- Margy Hargraves
- Steven C. Hearl
- Melanie & David Herzfeld
- Jeanne Hewitt
- Robert Hill
- Sealy & Mark Hopkinson
- Lynn B. Geisler & James H. Howard
- Joyce L. Spencer & Philip C. Ingerman
- Lorraine Shallow & Barbara Inglis
- Lesley & John Inglis
- The Janet & John Barone Family Fund
- Ronald Janssen
- Nicole Jastrzebski (in memory of Marcia Hammer)
- Holly Roseman & Marcia Kaplan
- Beverly & Robert S. Kissam
- Cathy & Sol Kellner
- Ellen & Kenneth Klaffky (in memory of The Marino Family)
- Andrea & Neil Kreinik
- Deborah & Mort Künstler
- Lauren La Bella
- Marilyn & Fred C. Landman
- Carol Levatino
- Christine Machtay
- Concetta & Raymond Maggiore
- Peggy & Rusty Mc Cormack
- Pamela Sheard McGuinness & William McGuinness
- Laurence Merritt & Michael McLaughlin
- Harriet Miller (in memory of Stephen Miller)
- Linda Ingrisano-Millet & Ronald Millet
- Kathleen Millon
- Laura Iavaroni-Mills & Richard S. Mills (in memory of Marcia Hammer)
- Debbie & Lee Mittleman
- Wayne R. Muller
- Maureen Murphy (in memory of Marcia Hammer)
- Mia & Gary Olson
- Denise O’Rourke (in memory of Marcia Hammer)
- Elizabeth R. Otto
- Barbara & Jack Palmadesso
- Peggy & Charles Palmer
- Mary Cicione & Gary Pasquaretto
- Anthony Perez
- Mary Anne Pettit
- Mary L. Polak
- Jan Pratt
- Elaine Preston
- Judith Rand
- Marcelle & Bernard Reverdin
- Nancy Richner
- Donna Ripple (in memory of Marcia Hammer)
- Donna & Lester Rosenhouse (in memory of Marcia Hammer)
- Amelia & Eric Rudolph
- Leslie & Gary Rudolph
- Ann Scolnick
- Bette & Paul Schneiderman
- Neil Scholl
- James K. Scovel
- Bruce Segal
- Phyllis Silverman (in memory of Gabriel H. Hilsenrad)
- James Slezak
- Walter Smith
- Mary Speed-Perri
- Cui Fei & Jan Staller
- Stephen Steinig
- Carolyn Streitwieser
- Lauren & Stephen D. Summers
- Lois Taylor
- Elina & James E. Thatcher
- Anne M. & Harold J. Thompson
- The Toxic Nature Charitable Foundation – Tami & Scott Schneider
- Helen Udell
- Lois V. Walker
- Mary & Robert W. Warburgh
- Diana Collins & Townsend Weekes, Jr.
- Mercedes Wharton
- Annina Luck Wildermuth & Daniel Wildermuth
- Juanita & Frank Wimberley (in memory of Amy Finkston)
- Jane & Walter Wisneski
- Mia Wisnoski
- Karli Wurzelbacher
- Michelle Yadoo
- Mary Noel & John Zgurzynski
      List as of 01.03.22