An Unprecedented Ask for Unprecedented Times
This year marks the 100th anniversary of The Heckscher Museum’s founding, and the coronavirus pandemic appeared just as the centennial celebrations were beginning. Together with many cultural organizations throughout the country, we had to temporarily close our doors and rethink or postpone our planned exhibitions, education programs, and fundraising events. As a result, and despite the Museum’s best efforts, we are facing a significant projected deficit in excess of $500,000. Unless we are able to fill this gap, the Museum will enter its second century with its budget at risk and many of our programs on hold.
In response to our current situation and recognizing the immediate needs of the Museum, we gratefully announce a challenge grant of $200,000, initiated by Robin Hadley, The Cunniff Family, The Rauch Foundation/Nancy and Kostas Douzinas, Pien and Hans Bosch, and Andrea B. and Peter D. Klein.
Thanks to the amazing and continuing response from our donors, the deadline has been extended! All donations received before August 15 will be matched dollar-for-dollar.
Your tax-deductible gift will help ensure the stability of the Museum’s talented and essential staff, fund arts education programs and exhibitions, and maintain the Museum through 2020. Please make your gift now to guarantee a confident future where the Museum can serve communities as one of Long Island’s important cultural and educational resources.
These are unprecedented times. It is the moment when we turn to those who hold The Heckscher Museum’s best interest at heart. Your donation, as generous as possible, will keep the Museum moving forward with confidence. Every gift will make a difference!
To make your online donation today, please visit Or, mail to The Heckscher Museum, 2 Prime Avenue, Huntington, NY 11743.
Questions? Contact
THANK YOU to the following generous donors who have made a gift to meet the challenge (as of 9/3/2020)
- Nancy and Michael Aboff
- Lauretta Alio
- Janet B. Allen
- Ann Eden Woodward Foundation/Judy and Pat Woods
- Susan Love and Steven Anolik
- Linda and Robert J. Aquilina
- Erica and Henry Babcock
- Winifred F. Baim
- Christine and John Ballow
- Janet Barr
- Teresa P. Becker
- Anita Belman
- Mary J. Benazzi
- Edith Berg
- Irene Berkman
- Alli Berman
- Judith Bernhang
- Mary Lenore Blair
- Christey and Peter Blohm
- Rebecca and Joseph Bonventre
- Margaret F. and Joseph Boorstein
- Linda R. Kay and William G. Brunn
- Christopher Buzzetta
- Colette Buzzetta
- Barbara and Chris Cagnazzi
- Trudy and Tom Calabrese
- Callaghan Lucerino & Associates LLP/John Callaghan
- Robert Calvert
- Judith Cartwright
- Kate and Andy Chapman
- Phyllis N. Charash
- Claire Friedlander Family Foundation/Irene and Peter J. Klein
- Stephanie Cole
- Barbara and Barry Coller
- Hanna Nekvasil and John E. Coraor
- Donna Corvi
- Bea Coryell
- Christine D’Addario
- Anthony Damian
- Henriette Darrell
- Chancey M. Dennis
- Dr. Lee MacCormick Edwards Charitable Foundation
- Charles Eder
- Kathleen and Brendan FitzGerald
- Marilyn Fox
- Gertrude M. Frein
- Bess and David Fuchs
- Peter Fudge
- Susan and Jeffrey L. Futter
- Kathleen Galotti
- Herman C. (Bud) Gehnrich
- Susan Goldman
- Abby Pariser and Peter J. Gollon
- Andrea M. Gordon
- Christine Greene
- Janet Gritzka
- Lynn and Frank Gundersen
- Paula Hackeling
- Beth Hacker
- Dee and James Hadley
- Tanya Vancott and Bruce Hannah
- Margy Hargraves
- Steven C. Hearl
- Robert Hill
- Paul G. Hoertz
- Judy and Tom Hogan
- Sealy and Mark Hopkinson
- Priscilla and Robert Hughes
- Virginia Jacobsen
- Catherine and Raymond Jansen
- Axel R. Johnson
- Carissa and James Jordan
- Lisa and William R. Katz
- Lita Kelmenson
- Beverly and Robert Kissam
- Danielle and Jay Klahr
- Andrea and Neil Kreinik
- Deborah and Mort Künstler
- Roberta and William Kusnetz
- The Larry Merritt and Mike McLaughlin Charitable Fund
- Bruce Lev
- Carol and William Levatino
- Ann and Robert Libbey
- Christine Machtay
- Concetta and Raymond Maggiore
- Patricia and Vincent Mallardi III
- George Mallis
- Patricia and Carl Marcellino
- Edie and Carl G. Markel
- Peggy and Rusty Mc Cormack
- Pamela Sheard McGuinness and William McGuinness
- Valarie and Mark McLain
- Judy and Herbert Meserve
- Nina and Robert Muller
- Margaret and Charles Palmer
- Gary Pasquaretto
- Susan and Joseph Peragallo
- Emily Franchina Perrell and Franklin Hill Perrell
- Susan Peters
- Patricia J. Petersen
- Mary Anne Pettit
- Pfizer
- Elaine Preston
- Eileen and Thomas L. Pulling
- Judith Rand
- Peggy and Marc Richling
- Frank Rizzo
- Patricia and Francis J. Roberts
- Lisa Mulhall and Thomas Rogers
- Kristen and Dan Rozell
- Amelia and Eric Rudolph
- Patricia P. Sands
- Linda and Michael Schantz
- Frances Scheff
- Bette and Paul Schneiderman
- Neil Scholl
- Barbara and James Schubauer
- Patricia L. Schwarz
- James K. Scovel
- Bruce Segal
- Jane and Roger Sencer
- Barbara Inglis and Lorraine Shallow
- Joan Newman and Amy Shapiro
- The Shoreland Foundation/Lulu and Tony Wang
- James Slezak
- Bette Sloane
- Kristin and Dustin Smith
- Pearl F. Staller
- Jennifer Anderson and Rick Stattler
- Elizabeth Strong-Cuevas
- Lauren and Stephen Summers
- Anne M. and Harold J. Thompson
- Maggie and Charles H. Towers
- Toxic/Nature Studios LLC – Tami and Scott Schneider
- Zeta and Samuel von Winbush
- Virginia Hanson and Brad Warner
- Maria Warrack
- Diana Collins and Townsend Weekes
- Harriet and Joel Weidenbaum
- Andree and John E. Welsh, III
- Claudine Welti
- Risa and Peter Ziegler