For this week’s Heckscher at Home Kids Edition, we will be learning about artist Risaburo Kimura and his piece Amsterdam, which is from the Museum’s permanent collection. Then, Lisa Sayedi, Lead Museum Educator, will guide you every step of the way as you discover, imagine, and create your own artwork!
Watch Instructional Video Below!
Project Overview:
First, we will learn about Risaburo Kimura and uncover details together as we look closely at his work of art. After getting inspired by his print Amsterdam, we will get creative and make our own artwork. We’ll be using paper, coloring materials, and scissors to create a one of a kind abstract jumble!
white paper
Key Concepts:
organic lines
Taking a closer look at our inspiration artwork, let’s make observations about details that you notice.
This is a work of art by Risaburo Kimura and it’s called Amsterdam. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. A fun fact about this city is that it’s surrounded by water. This work of art is part of his series called Cities of the World. The artist is taking us on an imaginative journey!Â
Looking at Risaburo’s work, does it remind you of water? We see lots of multicolored patterns that repeat, reflect, and make ripples. The artist used loose and wavy lines to create this feeling or effect. We call these shapes and lines organic and they are fun to draw!Â
When we have a work of art that has colors, shapes, and lines but doesn’t look like anything in real life, we call that abstract. The best part of abstract art is that each person can use their imagination to see or feel something different.Â
Amsterdam is based on a real place but Risaburo’s artwork does not seem realistic. He created his work of art based on what he thought was most important about this special city. Let’s embark on our own journey! Your project can be about a real place or somewhere in your imagination. You can use organic or geometric lines and patterns to create an abstract destination! Where will you go?Â
Please share photos of your finished works of art with us on social media and we will post some of our favorites here. And check back next week for our next project! #HeckscheratHome #MuseumfromHome