Three Long Island’s Best alumni were chosen for the 2021 Emerging Artists Series. Now working visual artists, the three are sharing their artwork through the Museum’s Instagram account. The artists are Crisoula Lazaridis, Emily Martin, and Nina Miller.
“Participating in Long Island’s Best really did shape who I am as an artist today.” said Martin (Long Island’s Best 2014). “When I was chosen to participate in The Heckscher Museum’s 2021 Emerging Artist Series, it was such an honor and such a cool full circle moment!”
Advice from Lazaridis’ (Long Island’s Best 2015) for current and upcoming Long Island’s Best participants includes embracing the moniker of artist even if art school is not in their future. “Making art everyday even in the tiniest of ways, makes you an artist at heart with a talent and a drive like no other. Do it for your own happiness. Connect with others through your art. Create love and a community. Create passion,” she said.
“My experience being in Long Island’s Best exhibitions gave me a glimpse of what it feels like to be in the company of other passionate and talented artists,” said Nina Miller. “I felt inspired and excited to keep working. It gave me the confidence to have an artistic voice and not be afraid to show it. I remember feeling so excited being at the opening exhibition and feeling that spark of joy and pride within myself.” Miller was a 2015 alumni.
As part of the Emerging Artists Series Nina Miller takes over the @heckschermuseum Instagram account on July 17th.
Below, left to right: Emily Martin, Crisoula Lazaridis, and Nina Miller.