Louis Comfort Tiffany’s vases, lamps and a stunning stained-glass window light up the gallery in Heckscher Museum of Art’s exhibition The Age of Tiffany: Between Nouveau and Deco. Tiffany led a revolution in the decorative arts at the turn of the 20th Century. This exhibition places the master with other decorative art from the Museum’s Permanent Collection. On view April 21 to July 22, 2018 In addition to Tiffany Studio glasswork, the exhibition includes sculptures, textiles, and furniture from other renowned artists of the era, including Edward Berge, Enid Bell, and Max Kuehne. “The ‘ideal’ underlying the decorative work of this period was that beautiful utilitarian objects enrich the lives of those who behold them,” said Lisa Chalif, Curator, Heckscher Museum of Art…